Optimal strategies for “Guess Who?”

***Using these strategies can make the game boring. You have been warned.*** This time, I will analyze the popular guessing game “Guess Who?”. As its name suggests, the goal of the game is to be the first to guess who is the character picked by the other player. Every turn, players ask each other yes…

Risk: Estimations

In the second part of Risk’s analysis, I came up with a probability table of winning a battle when the player is attacking another region. Unless the player prints it or have a wonderful photographic memory, this table can’t be used in a game. Now, in this part of Risk’s analysis, I will bring up ways to estimate the…

Risk, part 2

In this second installment of Risk, I will continue presenting the results of possible combats between players. In the first part, there were only 1 defending army. Now, in this part, the results for 2 and more defending armies will be presented. I will first show the probabilities for the th largest die, then I will use them…

Risk, part 1

A classic world-domination board game, Risk can be a hard game to master due to the strategy and luck required to win. In this analysis, I will extract some mathematical results that could potentially help a player have the upper hand. In this first part, I will explain combats against a single enemy army. The…

The Game of Life: careers

In the last part of the Game of Life’s analysis, I used the results from part 3 to compute some interesting numbers about babies. Now, in this part, I will compare the different career choices using results from earlier parts. At the beginning of the game, the player must choose between the “career” path and…

Baby you can drive my car

The Game of Life: babies

In the part 3 of the Game of Life’s analysis, I came up with the probabilities of landing on specific spaces. An application for these results can be used to compute the number of babies one player can have in the game: some spaces in the game can give the player children who can be…

The Game of Life: stock cards

In the Game of Life, you can purchase “Stock Certificate” cards. For a price of 50000$, these cards give the player 10000$ from the bank each time a player (including yourself) spins the number selected. So, after 5 spins of your number, you are at the break-even point. This means that you are at the…

The Game of Life: intro

The Game of Life is a popular board that 2 to 6 players can play. It simulates the life of a person from the college years to retirement. The game doesn’t require the player to make a lot of choices and is very dependant on chance. Nonetheless, the career choices in the beginning of the…